
From the Womb: The Early Years (1972 – 76)
By Rowena A. Rivera – To think of Su Teatro is to reflect up on the idealistic, activist, and very creative years of the Denver/Boulder Chicano Movement of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. For those of us, both Chicano students and professors, who were deeply involved in activities such as Rodolfo (Corky) Gonzales’ political movement, César Chávez’s Farmworker marches, Magdaleno Avila’s efforts to improve the living and working conditions of Colorado farmworkers, Chicana activism, the Colorado Penitentiary Reform Movement [Read More…]
Breaking Out (1982 – 86: The Post Movement Early Reganismo Funk)
By Lisa Ramos – The period of the late seventies that continued into the early eighties became known as the “funk” by the company. Chicanos were becoming Hispanics, the country was moving rapidly toward the right and the left was increasingly taking us for granted. Opinions varied over what direction Su Teatro should pursue [Read More…]
A Flower Grows In Elyria (1986 – 91)
By Lisa Ramos – The success of Intro to Chicano History: 101 had a tremendous effect on Su Teatro. Heartened by new respect and recognition, members of Su Teatro organized around important goal which suddenly seemed more possible than ever: the purchase of a building to house a theater and cultural arts center for the Chicano community. The time was ripe [Read More…]
Celebrating 25 (1997)
By Dr. Jorge Huerta – Twenty-five years! It is hard to believe that this wonderful company has actually been around that long. But they have. Creating, building communities, laughing at themselves as they made us laugh and cry with them. Su Teatro is truly unique in this country as a professional theatre company that is community-based, maintaining its own beautiful theater center [Read More…]